Announcing v0.3.0

Release 0.3.0 is out!

Affected repositories






  • Data Integrity checks:

    Protection against data corruption using SHA-3 hashing with 512 bits output.

  • Filtering mechanism:

    Ability to filter the list of passwords to improve the user experience.

  • Timeout mechanism:

    Enhance security by automatically locking after inactivity period.


  • Fixed merging when importing entries:

    The identical entries were not recognized, resulting to duplicate entries after importing

  • Fixed Error when empty password is provided:

    ‘assertion failed: 0 < password.len() && password.len() <= 72’

  • Exit without errors when the user selects to close the application before providing the password

Code and infrastructure improvements

  • Provide release artifacts for all the rust-keylock subprojects in GitHub:

    Use travis to deploy artifacts on GitHub upon releases.

  • Replace the deprecated library rustc_serialize with serde